Hafiz Safwan Thought That...

A thought of my self.."Be civil to all; sociable to many; familiar with few; friend to one; enemy to none." Benjamin Franklin


Fasting Month, Practical Training, Traffic Jam, Monsoon, Sebastian's Last Day

Assalamualaikum W.B.T.

I'm writing this post while listening to my father's voice reciting the Holy Quran. It is Ramadhan..Bonus month for the Muslims. Happy Fasting to all Muslim's.

Here in Robert Bo*ch, my industrial training is currently at its peak. High volume of job + one @#%$# (I'm really pissed of with this guy-from another department) made my day worst everyday. I'm trying to cope with everything but seems like it is still not enough.Sigh!!!.

Since Monday, the traffic jam was bad as the usual Friday.

Rain...Its raining everyday...Yeah...

Today is the last day for Sebastian Schaetzl. He is a trainee for the BPS (Bo*ch Production System) since March. He helped me and Yoke Mun (another trainee for BPS in MFG dept.) a lot. Tq my friend. I'll be replacing him starting next week. The 1st task will be the L33.....watta..watta.... Bye Sebastian..

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