Hafiz Safwan Thought That...

A thought of my self.."Be civil to all; sociable to many; familiar with few; friend to one; enemy to none." Benjamin Franklin


Renela Cafe & Cuisine

An Update: the 30% discount is no longer available. Click here to verify it.


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My housemate (apek) is currently working here and the food was great. It is offering discounts to the patrons and will start serving breakfast tomorrow(17/11/2008).


5 people wrote something:

heheheh bagus2
promote a lg... biar meriah sket cafe aku hehehe


nope...kat shah alam. click kat brochure to untuk nak tgk brochure yang lebih besar.


map nye macam kurang specific gitu... kat area2 kedai2 tu la yer.. tgk la ada masa ada rezeki sampai ler.. kedai2 baru bukak ni mesti la sedap.. masalahnya bisnes ni slalu tak maintain...


Jeram Mee Rebus?.... kalau yang ori, sangat mengujakan. Tak rasa lagi tapi menu memang best...tapi,....lokasi la plak. THE MOST BUZIEST BLOCK!!! nampaknya terpaksa parking jauh kalau nak makan kat sini.

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