Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahiwabarakatuh,
Ok..My Birthday (same with Cik Da) is 10 days ahead...
I wished two friends for their birthday (today and yesterday) and received 3 advance birthday wishes..which makes me blurred for a while before I realise that mine is not far away too..It's from Hannani (19th August, Suria 20th August and Santz)..Thank You So Much!!! hehehehe (jgn salah faham luahan perasaan jer nih)
I'm getting older..In fact..we are all getting older..but Birthday marks the official date for our yearly age to be +1.This simple summation at that particular date was once welcomed... And it starting to annoy me...HAHAHAHA
I'm just 26 years old---currently--- and I'll be a year older...Lucky to be alive, well and healthy...Although without any achievement that can be proud of.. I should be thankful that I'm given the chance to redeem myself. Hopefully to be useful to others and most importantly to be someone that my parents (and myself) can be proud of....I SHOULD
I'm 26 years old, former UTM dropout who managed to finish his diploma course and struggling for my final semester bachelor degree..While most of my friends are working...earning..married or getting married, have kids (and some of them already have 2 kids)..Even my younger brother are married and have a lovely daughter (Wak Nang balik niiii..tunggu tau).....I should be thankful because I'm blessed with SUPER SUPPORTIVE parents and family..I should be thankful that they gave me a chance...I should be thankful that my mom works extra hours to pay for my tuition fee so that I can be a full time student..I SHOULD...
I'm Just 26 years old, not available and currently looking forward on how I can seal the relationship I have the fastest way I can..I have nothing..My target is within a year from now but let see how it goes. I should be thankful...for everything I have endured..the one that I want the most had given me chance for me to feel that again...It's killing me cause I can't take it further (engagement) ..but again...I should be thankful...I SHOULD..
"Ya Allah, Kurniakanlah aku kesabaran..kurniakanlah aku ketabahan..kurniakanlah aku kemudahan..
Permudahkanlah urusanku sebagai fisabilillah..
Permudahkanlah hidupku agar dapat aku berbakti kepada orang tuaku, keluargaku, sahabat2ku, guru2 ku serta mereka yang engkau kehendaki untuk beroleh manfaat dari ilmu yang telah Engkau kurniakan padaku.
Jauhkanlah aku dari fitnah, malapetaka dan maksiat. Berkatilah perasaan yang Engkau letakkan dalam hati ini agar dapat aku satukan 2 keluarga. "
Amin Ya Rabb
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