Hafiz Safwan Thought That...

A thought of my self.."Be civil to all; sociable to many; familiar with few; friend to one; enemy to none." Benjamin Franklin


The Scapegoat - But the issue was not just about them..it is about us too...hmmmm

The privatization process of our beloved IJN drew a lot of flak from the public. And now the cabinet suspended the idea ((SOURCE)).

The government responded earlier(to defend the decision) that the doctors will get better pay if IJN is in Sime Darby's hand. This is due to the demands made by the doctors of IJN since their other colleagues in private hospitals received higher salary. But the doctors responded - ((Read Here))

Personally, I agree that privatizing government body could make it better. But this is a hospital. Read A. Kadir Jasin's scribe. click here

I don't want to talk about any conspiracy theory. I believe that the decision to give it to Sime Darby is a good one. But a complete study should done 1st.
Sneak Peak..this is what happened at my house and at Hasni's house. 22/11/08

Dear readers,

This is my brother. His name is Mohd Hafiz Hilmi and he is the 2nd from 5 siblings. He is married to Noor Hasni and was solemnized on 20/08/2008. To view their akad nikah's picture, click to link provided or you can go to http://www.skidezourus.multiply.com. The picture was bundled in 4 different folders. The folders:

1. Malam Sebelumnya dan Hantaran
2. Family kami ketika hari tersebut
3. Akad Nikah Mohd Hafiz Hilmi
4. Selepas selesai akad nikah Hilmi & Hasni 20/08/2008

The Wedding Reception

Next is the wedding session...Hasni's place was on 22/11/08 while our's was on 23/11/08
As you can see, he was quite jumpy that day..hehehe..stage fright kot!!!..hahahahaha

A picture with my parents..he tried to cover his nervousness.

He he he heeiiiiii hang jebat...lebih baik ko turun...posing istimewa di pagi hari.

Since the next day(23/11) is our big day, my parents decided not to go to their besan's house . So my father appointed Wak Nang Sipin(Wak Lanang Arifin), and his wife Mak Iti(my mother's sister) to act on behalf of them.

The 3 siblings which wore the same them color of the day. (Izzati, Muim, Hilmi)

Rilek la bro!!!

The bestman for both occasions(at Hasni's and my house) was Syahmin(our cousin, son of late Mamu Yusuf who passed away on July). Hilmi chose him to honor Mamu Yusuf since he was the one who brought my father to my mother's house for their wedding. A primary school teacher which is single and available(true when this post is written). Anyone interested?

Pegi mana lak nih?

Actually..there are too many picture to be captioned 1 by 1...Tak larat laa nak upload satu-satu..so I'm inviting U all to visit my other pages on Multiply.

Click here
or go to http://skidezourus.multiply.com

6 Tahun Selepas Itu

Saja taruk gambar nih..hehehe(Gary Fong's Flash Difffuser in action)


Sekali lagi gagal untuk nak upload gambar sebab lembab sangat(ada dalam 1000 lebih gambar untuk di uploadkan padahal yang aku nak publish sikit saja)

Cuma terdetik untuk nak menulis selepas aku terserempak dengan cikgu masa sekolah rendah dan kebetulan di tempat yang sama terjumpa dengan anak murid aku masa mula-mula aku mengajar dulu.

Petang tadi aku dengan Muim(adik no-3) gi bersenam(joging) kat Taman Nuri, 800m dari rumah aku. Masa tengah buat regangan, aku ternampak dari jauh raut wajah yang sangat dikenali iaitu Mr. John Fernandez atau lebih aku dan rakan-rakan sekolah rendah kenali dengan panggilan Cikgu John. Dia pernah pulas telinga aku dan rotan aku sebab sebarkan cerita tak betul(kira macam sebar fitnah) sebab aku report kat dia yang budak sekelas ngan aku Pak Ali (nama betul Fazli Hamzah) mengintai budak perempuan kat tandas. Semangat aku berkobar-kobar nak repot sebab yang diintai itu adalah Faezah Nor(aku tak tau ejaan sebenar nama budak pompuan nih..dah tak ingat nama penuh dia pun). Hehehehe...aku suka budak tu dulu. Masa tu darjah 2 daaa..My 1st Crush!!!!....hihihihi..Masa tu tahun 1991.

Apapun Cikgu John masih ingat pada aku dan adik aku(Hilmi) cuma agak konfius tentang yang mana satu Safwan dan yang mana satu Hilmi. Tapi yang penting dia ingat dan boleh recall nama aku. Dia kirim salam kat mak bapak aku dan ucap selamat. Aku kemudian meneruskan agenda berjoging aku.

Tengah dok joging aku ditegur oleh seseorang, raut wajah yang sangat aku kenali cuma penampilan fizikal lebih berbeza dari yang aku kenal dulu. Anak murid dari sekolah yang pertama aku pernah mengajar iaitu S.K Nibong Tebal. Aku ajar dia masa dia darjah 5(2002), sekarang ini dah habis SPM dan tengah bosan dok kat rumah sebab tak dak kerja nak dibuat. Aku cam muka sebab dia antara yang aku pernah denda sebab nakal dan kelasnya dipenuhi dengan budak-budak yang pandai dan dia adalah salah seorang scorer kat dalam kelas 5 Melur.

Perbandingan aku dengan cikgu John...Cikgu John ingat nama aku, tapi aku tak ingat nama budak tu...wahahahaha....Segan.

Aku bukanlah guru yang baik. Meskipun dah 6 buah sekolah yang aku pernah mengajar, takdak satu pun sekolah yang aku ajar lebih dari 3 bulan. Paling lama adalah di Sg. Kecil pada tahun 2004. Itu pun cuma 3 bulan.

Sempatlah aku berkongsi pengalaman kena tendang dengan si budak nih..bukannya apa...nak terapkan pemikiran yang baik supaya dia tak jadi macam aku di masa akan datang.

Apa yang aku kesalkan, cikgu-cikgu sekarang ini suka menerapkan perkara yang tak betul dalam pemikiran budak-budak. Kita mungkin pernah dengar kata-kata ini daripada mulut cikgu kita, "Alah, sekarang ni saja awak susah untuuk SPM, lepas ni kat universiti dah rilek dah..tak susah macam ni,"

Apa yang budak-budak ini paham adalah berkenaan kesusahan belajar dan kepayahan nak score dalam SPM. Kat Univ lebih rilek dan tak perlu bersusah payah. Sedangkan cikgu tu gagal nak relate tentang ilmu yang dipelajari zaman sekolah ni akan memudahkan pengajian mereka di Universiti.

Aku bukannya nak blame cikgu-cikgu aku, cuma rasanya setiap statement yang keluar daripada mulut cikgu tu sepatutnya difikirkan kesannya terlebih dahulu.

Baru-baru nih aku ada terima msg dalam friendster dari seorang junior dip mechy kat penang. tanya aku susah atau tak degree kat Shah Alam..jawapan aku " Makin tinggi tangga yang kita panjat, makin lama makin penat dan makin susah untuk dipanjat," macam mana sekalipun..ia memang payah. Kena terima tu semua.

Aku bersyukur sebab ada jugak anak murid yang ingat aku walaupun aku cuma ajar diorang kurang dari 3 bulan. Harapan aku semoga budak-budak ni jadik manusia yang baik...tak menyusahkan orang macam aku nih. Semoga hasrat melahirkan individu yang seimbang dan harmonis dari segi intelek, rohani, emosi dan jasmani berdasarkan kepercayaan dan kepatuhan kepada Tuhan berjaya dilaksanakan.

Kenangan aku di Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Methodist Nibong Tebal akan aku kenang selalu kerana aku dah tak nampak keseronokan ke sekolah macam yang budak-budak zaman sekarang.

Exam oriented, tak dak keyakinan diri yang tulin(boleh bercakap tapi macam robot dan hanya ikut skrip...padahal tak petah langsung bila berkomunikasi). Menang pidato tapi bila kena temuramah jadik kaku. Lebih risau tentang markah yang dia dapat dalam periksa daripada risau tentang petang ni ada kartun apa kat TV. Lebih kurang masa untuk bersosial kerana jadual tuisyen, kelas agama, dan kelas aritmetik terlalu padat(sampai sabtu ahad pun ada kelas). Tak tahu kemampuan diri kerana tak dak peluang untuk kembangkan potensi akibat perubahan jadual (seperti yang diarahkan oleh guru besar kerana nak kejar prestasi dalam UPSR). Kelas seni jadi kelas matematik, PJ jadi kelas Bahasa Melayu, Muzik jadi kelas English, Sivik, moral dan pendidikan Islam jadi kelas Sains. Pada aku, sudah tidak wujud semangat untuk mewujudkan MANUSIA di kebanyakkan sekolah yang aku lihat.

Aku tak heran bila ada budak umur 12 tahun bunuh diri. Aku tak heran bila ada budak 8 tahun terjun lombong sebab takut kena marah bila gagal dapat A. Aku tak heran bila ada budak yang jadi gila bila umurnya mencecah 15 tahun kerana tekanan peperiksaan. Aku tak heran kalau ada yang TAK JADI ORANG bila dah habis sekolah kerana tak tahu potensi yang ada dalam diri akibat pegangan EXAM ORIENTED teaching nih.

Cikgu John ajar Muzik dan English. Every boys and girls must communicate with him in English. Dia garang tapi budak-budak tak takut nak bercakap atau nak tegur dia. Masa aku sekolah time petang, dia akan selalu berada kat dalam dewan dan bermain piano dalam dewan tu(lagu-lagu yang dimainkan adalah lagu-lagu dalam buku Muzik tahun 5 dan 6). budak-budak tak akan berlari keluar dari dewan sebab seronok sangat menyanyi lagu-lagu tu beramai-ramai. (problemnya kat tepi dewan tu ada longkang besar dan budak-budak selalu jatuh dalam tu).

Aku pernah ke sekolah tu kembali, nak amik lauk yang mak aku tapau dari kantin(masa tu mak aku jadik PK ko-ku kat situ)..pemandangan menyedihkan, landskap dah berubah, aku terkenangkan pokok bunga kertas yang di maintain oleh Cikgu Md Zain dengan cantuman tunasnya yang sangat menjadi. Aku terkenang Rock Garden tempat kami selalu usung kerusi keluar dan cikgu Suzana akan buat kelasnya di situ. Aku terbayang Pusat Sumber, tempat yang menyimpan semua permainan yang selalu kami usung ke kelas untuk dimainkan ketika cikgu tak datang. Aku terbayang bilik Muzik yang ada peralatan yang kebanyakkannya aku pernah sentuh dan belajar pakai (walaupun aku takdak bakat dalam Muzik). Tebayang peralatan seni dalam bilik guru yang selalu digunakan semasa seni.

Aku betul-betul berharap yang budak-budak zaman sekarang mampu merasai kegembiraan aku masa dulu. Namun segala-galanya makin jauh dan makin sukar untuk dicapai.

" Pendidikan di Malaysia adalah suatu usaha berterusan ke arah memperkembangkan lagi potensi individu secara menyeluruh dan bersepadu untuk mewujudkan insan yang seimbang dan harmonis dari segi intelek, rohani, emosi dan jasmani berdasarkan kepercayaan dan kepatuhan kepada Tuhan. Usaha ini adalah bagi melahirkan rakyat Malaysia yang berilmu pengetahuan, berketerampilan, berakhlak mulia, bertanggungjawab dan berkeupayaan mencapai kesejahteraan diri serta memberi sumbangan terhadap keharmonian dan kemakmuran masyarakat dan negara".

Nedik n Aweknya...hehehehe

Actually, I want to upload some of the wedding pictures here...but I stumbled across this news from Harian Metro Online-

Oit kawan2..nedik masuk paper...hahahaha..huiyoo.

I Quote:“Saya beruntung kerana bercinta dengan senior sendiri kerana secara tidak langsung dia banyak menurunkan tip berguna terutama apabila menjelang peperiksaan,” katanya yang mendapat Gred Mata Terkumpul Kumulatif (CGPA), 3.84.

-Nak carik junior jugak laa....hahahahaha(junior takpa...jangan minor)

Kampus: Inspirasi cinta

Oleh Nor Azura Abdul Jalil

kepada Wan Junaidi, semalam." title="GEMBIRA...Nadiah menunjukkan diploma yang diterimanya
kepada Wan Junaidi, semalam."
GEMBIRA...Nadiah menunjukkan diploma yang diterimanya
kepada Wan Junaidi, semalam.

SHAH ALAM: “Orang kata bercinta boleh melalaikan tapi bagi saya, cinta memberi inspirasi dan semangat untuk lebih berjaya dan hari ini saya sudah buktikan tidak salah bercinta ketika belajar asalkan tahu batas-batasnya,” kataPenerima Anugerah Naib Canselor, Nadiah Zulkapli, 21.

Beliau ditemui ketika Majlis Konvokesyen ke-69 Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) di sini, semalam.

Menurut Nadiah, teman lelakinya, Wan Junaidi Wan Ariffin, 23, yang juga seniornya di Fakulti Kejuruteraan Mekanikal sentiasa membantunya dalam pelajaran dan sering memberi nasihat berguna.

“Dia sentiasa mengingatkan saya walaupun bercinta, jangan hingga abaikan pelajaran dan apabila berada di dalam kelas mesti sentiasa fokus pada subjek yang diajar pensyarah,” katanya.

Beliau berkata, nasihat itu diikutinya sehingga dia berjaya meraih keputusan cemerlang dalam pembelajaran yang berakhir dengan penerimaan diploma dalam bidang berkaitan.

“Saya beruntung kerana bercinta dengan senior sendiri kerana secara tidak langsung dia banyak menurunkan tip berguna terutama apabila menjelang peperiksaan,” katanya yang mendapat Gred Mata Terkumpul Kumulatif (CGPA), 3.84.

Nadiah yang kini menyambung pelajaran di peringkat ijazah dalam bidang kejuruteraan mekanikal berkata, ibu bapanya mengetahui dia mempunyai teman lelaki dan tidak pernah menghalangnya, tapi sentiasa berpesan supaya tidak mengabaikan pelajaran.

“Ibu saya selalu pesan, tidak salah bercinta ketika masih belajar asalkan jangan keterlaluan hingga pelajaran entah ke mana.

“Nasihat itulah yang saya pegang sampai hari ini dan syukur akhirnya penat lelah saya selama tiga tahun akhirnya berbayar dengan penganugerahan yang diterima ini,” katanya yang berasal dari Selangor.

Walimatul Urus

click to enlarge


This post is different from the previous posts.

My dear blog readers, you are all invited to attend my brother's wedding this Sunday.

Datang tau..

P/s: Call me if you were unable to locate the place. 013-4749056 (busu- Mohd Hafiz Safwan)

Renela Cafe & Cuisine

An Update: the 30% discount is no longer available. Click here to verify it.


Click to view enlarged brochure...

My housemate (apek) is currently working here and the food was great. It is offering discounts to the patrons and will start serving breakfast tomorrow(17/11/2008).


Music..Now..Why should i write about this?

I was thinking on writing on other subject..(a kind of taboo thing)..but my roommate Apek said: "Ko tulih pasal perkembangan muzik dari zman dulu ke zaman sekarang,". ... We were listening to a bunch of 80's and 90's local rock music. We talked a bit about the quality possessed by the song that we were listening to and compared it to the present or newer pieces.

Why do we listen to Dewa19 pieces? I really believe that their lyrics SUCKS (For some of their songs only...in other hand, some of it could make you insane). Listen to their song again and try to count the number of instruments used for each of them. Too much isn't it. They were 'colourful' musics. The song lived not just because of the lyric but also because of the 'colourfulness' of the background.

What am I trying to tell here is that local musician should work harder. Local indy band were aware of this and it paid off. Their fan is huge and the industry seems to be in a very good shape. Once again, we can be proud of our local talent.

Just trying to get something off my chest. hehehehe..

Pengertian Raya Tahun Ini...Suatu Pengalaman Yang Tak Ternilai Harganya

Pak Teh masih di wad Neuro 4A Institut Kaji Saraf Tunku Abdul Rahman (IKTAR) Hosp Kuala Lumpur. Telah mula membuka matanya 19/10 hari tu. Beliau masih lemah dan semakin kurus setiap hari. Masih belum mampu buat apa2 lagi termasuklah menggerakkan kakinya. 5 hari selepas di bedah dia dimasukkan ke ICU. Seminggu di ICU sebelum dipindahkan semula ke Acute Cubicle Ward. Hari nih 6 Nov genap 39 hari dia dirawat.

Raya...Setahun sekali, perayaan yang membawa keriangan kepada kita semua. Berkumpul sekeluarga di pagi raya. Bersalaman, berpelukan memohon ampun dan maaf atas segala kesilapan yang telah dilakukan. Menghadap juadah di pagi raya, bersembahyang sunat hari raya, kunjung-mengunjung dan memburu duit raya dari saudara mara...semuanya di hari lebaran. Namun ia tidak begitu bagi aku dan keluarga aku tahun ini.

Selama hidup aku 25 tahun ini, inilah kali pertama aku menilai kembali maksud disebalik sambutan hari raya. Raya tahun ini sesungguhnya akan aku kenang sebagai hari yang mengubah persepsi aku terhadap kegembiraan, kesyukuran, erti pengorbanan dan kesabaran dalam menghadapi ujian.

Isnin, 29 Ramadhan 1429H..Hari-hari terakhir ramadhan. Aku, Muim dan Akmal (adik2 aku)telah pulang pada malam hari Jumaat sebelumnya menaiki kereta wira bapak aku yang dibawa ke Banting oleh adik aku yang nombor 2, Hilmi. Dia pulang keesokkannya bersama-sama dengan isteri menaiki kereta isterinya. Raya kali ini kurang kemeriahannya pada kami sekeluarga. Buat pertama kalinya Hasni (adik ipar aku) akan beraya bersama kami sekeluarga namun seluruh ahli keluarga aku sedar yang kami telah kehilangan 2 orang bapa saudara dalam bulan-bulan terdekat sebelum ramadhan(refer my previous post). Rutin hari tu lebih kurang macam hari-hari lain, cuma aku berbuka puasa kat kampung mak aku di Jawi. Balik lepas berbuka tuh tetiba sakit perut. Aku tak jadi pegi Tarawih malam tuh.

Jam 9.00 malam, telefon rumah berdering. Aku agak pelik bila kat Caller ID tu tertera nama dan nombor telefon rumah Pak Teh (Adik bapak aku yang ke-6). Aku angkat gagang telefon tuh dan terdengar suara mak teh yang tercungap-cungap di hujung talian. "Bagitau Bapak, Pak Teh kena strok!" Aku jadi kaget. Macam mana nak tolong? Jarak 350km memisahkan antara Nibong Tebal dan Shah Alam membuatkan aku termenung sebentar memikirkan jalan terbaik untuk membantu. Aku tunggu 5 minit sebelum buat panggilan ke rumah Pak Teh, Nana (Alya Liyana, anak sulung Pak Teh) yang menjawab telefon dan aku sarankan untuk buat panggilan kecemasan untuk panggil ambulan kerana tak ada jiran yang dapat membantu ketika itu (semua tengah sibuk semayang tarawih). Kemudian aku ke surau untuk maklumkan berita tu kat bapak n mak aku. Nampak position bapak aku kat belakang imam, tahulah aku yang bapak aku jadik bilal malam tuh. Aku tunggu kat saf belakang sampai habis rakaat tu (kalau tak silap dah 6 rakaat dah time tu) . Bapak aku baru saja capai mikrofon bila aku tepuk bahunya dan mintak dia bagi mikrofon tu kat orang lain dan keluar dari dewan sembahyang. Takut jugak aku time tu. Takut bapak aku collapse sebab dah 2 orang abang dia meninggal, tiba-tiba sorang lagi pulak sakit kronik. Alhamdulillah, tak dak apa-apa terjadi kat dia dan kami terus pulang ke rumah.

Bapak aku dah penat malam tuh, so dia plan nak pi tengok pak teh keesokkannya walaupun aku dah offer nak drive ke sana malam tu jugak. Mungkin dia tau yang aku pun letih jugak time tu. Keesokkannya, lepas sahur bapak aku suruh berehat secukupnya sebab nak ajak aku pi Hosp Kelang pagi tu. Pukul 10 pagi kami bertolak dari rumah. Singgah kat Tapah untuk ke tandas dan minum kopi sebelum meneruskan perjalanan ke selatan. Itu adalah hari terakhir puasa (30 Ramadhan 1429H) hari selasa.

Hospital Kelang (Hosp Tuanku Ampuan Rahimah)
Pak Teh dikhabarkan telah dimasukkan ke Hospital Kelang, Wad 8A. Mak Teh SMS bapak aku bagitau yang dia ok, boleh bercakap(walaupun tak brapa paham apa benda yang dia cakap) dan boleh ikut arahan physiotherapist. Kami tiba jam 1.30 petang dan Pak Teh kelihatan seperti tengah tidur dan dadanya berombak-ombak lemah, berbeza dengan keadaan yang digambarkan oleh Mak Teh sebelum itu. Nurse hanya datang untuk menyedut air liur dan memeriksa dripnya. Kata Mak Teh dia tiba-tiba tutup mata sejak jam 12 lebih dan dah tak sedar dah. Kawan-kawan sekerja Pak Teh memanggil doktor (Doktor perempuan berbangsa Cina) untuk memeriksanya dan salah satu daripada kata-katanya tersebut masih terngiang-ngiang kat telinga aku nih "We know what we are doing," ..padahal tak buat apa-apa pun. Tak pasti la pulak sama ada doktor tu tgh buat housemanship atau memang doktor senior. Bapak aku suruh Mak Teh untuk pulang berehat setelah menemaninya sejak semalaman. Pukul 3 petang, mungkin setelah didesak oleh rakan-rakan Pak Teh dan bapak aku, muncul seorang doktor lelaki berbangsa Cina yang nampak lebih meyakinkan dari segi penampilan dan gaya bercakapnya. Nurse mula memasang alat-alat bacaan di badan Pak Teh dan ketika itu, Doktor tersebut kelihatan agak terganggu(mula jadi concern) dan mula memberikan rawatan kepada pakteh di dalam cubicle ward kat tengah-tengah wad 8A tu. Sebelum itu, bapak aku sempat tanya doktor tu "How worse can it be?"..dia jawab "This is the worse state,". Alat bantuan pernafasan(ventilator) mula di pasang dan mesin untuk monitor BP(Blood Pressure), HR (Heart Rate), SPo2 (Oxygen) pun di sambungkan ke badan dia. Situasi nampaknya menjadi lebih teruk.

Critical Cubicle Ward
Aku rasa bilik kecil kat tengah-tengah wad 8A tu bukan ICU, cuma bilik untuk observe patient yang kritikal. CT scan dibuat dan menunjukkan bahawa otak Pak Teh dibanjiri cecair yang entah mana datangnya dan ketika itu sedang menekan otaknya. Tekanan dalam tengkorak semakin bertambah dan pembedahan perlu dilakukan pantas sebelum kerosakan mana-mana bahagian otak yang lain. Film CT scan awal tidak menunjukkan sebarang bengkak atau kerosakan melainkan kawasan yang terjejas akibat strok. Namun dalam beberapa jam sahaja tekanan semakin bertambah di dalam otaknya menyebabkan mereka hanya ada satu sahaja pilihan iaitu melakukan pembedahan untuk menyelamatkan nyawanya. Namun HTAR tak dak kemudahan untuk pembedahan tersebut. Kami diberitahu hanya Hosp. Sg. Buluh dan Hospital Kuala Lumpur sahaja yang ada kemudahan tersebut buat masa ini. Aku disuruh ke Shah Alam untuk membawa Mak Teh Ke HTAR semula kerana keadaannya sudah mulai kritikal. Kami juga dimaklumkan yang Hosp. Sg. Buloh dan HKL telah penuh dan tidak dapat menerima Pak Teh sebagai pesakit. Jam ketika itu telah menunjukkan pukul 3 petang. Bermulalah saat mendebarkan bagi kami, saudara-mara dan sahabat Pak Teh. Rakan-rakan Pak Teh cuba menghubungi kenalan mereka untuk membantunya. Aku dan bapak aku hanya mampu berdoa kerana tidak tahu lagi apa yang boleh kami lakukan ketika itu. Aku dah mula risau...

Buka Puasa di Hari Terakhir Ramadhan
Mak Teh, Nana dan Zakuan (anak Pak Teh yang no 2) berada di HTAR menemaninya dan melayani rakan-rakan dan kenalan Pak Teh yang datang melawat. Pukul 6 petang, masih tiada apa-apa berita tentang kekosongan atau kesanggupan HSB atau HKL untuk menerima Pak Teh. Aku teringat tentang adik-adik yang berada di rumah, masih ada 5 orang anaknya yang ditinggalkan di rumahnya di TTDI Jaya, U2 Shah Alam. Aku ngan bapak aku keluar untuk membeli makan buat habuan berbuka bagi kami semua, singgah di Mc D kat area Klinik Bersalin Razif (dekat hosp Kelang) untuk beli burger. Aku segera ke Shah Alam utnuk berbuka dengan budak-budak tu (Tete, Bah, Amin, Hanis dan Baby). Tete dan Bah diamanahkan untuk menjaga adik-adik mereka dan mereka menjalankan tugas dengan baik. Aku sampai di rumah Pak Teh 5 minit sebelum berbuka dan Wow..nampaknya aku terlebih risua tentang mereka. Banyak makan untuk berbuka di rumah, Uncle Husni (rakan sekerja Pak Teh) membelikan satu Barrel KFC, Pak Chaq dan Isteri bawak gulai ayam seperiuk, burger Mc Chicken yang aku beli macam tak laku la pulak..banyak lagi makanan lain yang lebih best. Rezeki budak-budak tu dan rezeki aku jugak. Masa berbuka, aku pesan kat diorang supaya solat dan berdoa supaya ayah selamat. Budak-budak tu diam, Tete cakap kat aku "Abang, kita solat berjemaah, abang jadi imam lepas tu kita buat solat hajat," aku dah nak nangis...aku tahan jugak air mata aku padahal dah berkaca-kaca dah.."Kita baca yasin sekali ye," Amin(darjah 3) mencelah. Aku setuju dan selesai makan, aku keluar ke kedai kejap sebelum mengajak mereka sembayang maghrib berjemaah. selesai solat jemaah, kami bertakbir dan bertahmid. Aku sempat buat tazkirah ngan budak2 tuh. Aku cakap tentang dugaan...Seterusnya aku imamkan solat isya' dan ajarkan niat dan cara-cara solat hajat sebelum mengimami solat hajat. Amin lah yang paling lama sujud. Aku teruskan dengan megetuai bacaan yasin dan terus bergegas untuk ke HTAR.

Doa Anak-Anak Kecil Itu Dimakbulkan
Aku sampai di HKL jam 10 malam, bapak kelihatan letih. Rupanya dia tak makan apa pun untuk berbuka sebab silap kira berapa orang yang ada kat HTAR. Berita buruk ketika itu ialah HKL n HSB masih enggan untuk ambik kes Pak Teh kerana ketiadaan tempat. Aku mengeluh time tuh. Dalam hati, aku berdoa supaya Allah makbulkan doa anak-anak kecik tuh. Akhirnya, berita yang agak baik walaupun tidak membantu sangat, HKL ada katil kosong tapi takdak ventilator. Ayark!!! Aku dah mula optimistic dah time tuh..Ajak bapak aku carik makan kat HospiMart kat tepi lobby kecemasan tu. tapi HospiMart tutup daaa..Bapak aku makan baki burger yang dia beli tadi, salah seorang dari diorang nih tak makan (Mak Teh, Nan dan Zakuan). Rakan Pak Teh iaitu Aunty D ketika itu sibuk membuat panggilan kesana-kemari untuk membantu Pak Teh. Akhirnya lebih kurang jam 11 malam, berita gembira buat kami semua. HKL terima kes Pak Teh dan akan dipindahkan ke sana. Syukran..aku bersyukur banyak-banyak..sempat aku dongak ke langit dan mengucapkan syukur sambil hati aku berbisik " Ya Allah, engkau telah makbulkan doa anak-anak kecil itu dan doa kami..syukur.......," Yeahoo... Thank You Aunty D..Tima Kasih banyak-banyak..Banyak jasa Aunty D nih kepada keluarga kami bermula malam tu sehinggalah ketika jari-jari aku nih mengetuk keyboard mengarang post nih.Tak terhitung dan tak terbalas rasanya. Adik-adik yang tinggal kat rumah diambil dan dijaga oleh Aunty D bermula dari malam itu sehinggalah habis cuti sekolah mereka.

Pukul 1 pagi, 1 Oktober 2008 bersamaan 1 Syawal 1429H, Segala dokumen telah disiapkan dan Pak Teh telah dipindahkan ke atas troli ambulan yang bakal membawanya ke HKL. Aku diminta untuk menaiki ambulan menemaninya sepanjang perjalanan. Aku sempat berbual-bual dengan doktor yang membantu pernafasan Pak Teh sepanjang perjalanan ke HKL. Bandar Kelang yang sesak tu dapt di 'cilok' dengan mudah oleh driver yang amat cekap itu walaupun pada aku suasana dalam ambulan tu sangat2 la violent. Tangan aku kebas sebab tahan tong oksigen yang dibawak tu dari tertimpa kaki Pak Teh. Sepanjang perjalanan, doktor (ada sorang doktor melayu yang mungkin bertugas shift malam) yang merawat Pak Teh meminta nurse untuk bacakan data-data dalam fail pesakit. Antara yang aku dapat paham ialah WBC(white blood cell count) lebih dari 14 yang menunjukkan Pak Teh terkena jangkitan. Suhu badannya pun agak panas gak waktu tuh. sempat berborak-borak dengan doktor tu pasal stroke. Dia pun banyak jugak laa tanya pasal sejarah penyakit keluarga side bapak aku. Last skali dia bagi aku nasihat suruh jaga badan.

Hospital Kuala Lumpur
Ambulan sampai di HKL kira-kira jam 1.30 pagi. Pak Teh diusung masuk ke bahagian kritikal Wad Kecemasan HKL. Di bahagian rawatankecemasan kritikal, kami tidak dibenarkan masuk melawat ketika alat observe dari HTAR di tukar dengan milik HKL. Keadaan Pak Teh kelihatan lebih teruk ketika itu. Heart Beat Rate dia tak stabil sampai kadang-kadang turun sampai 40. Ada sorang doktor yang namanya kalau tak silap Dr. Kanesh memeriksa Pak Teh dan menyemak segala dokumen yang di bawa dari HTAR. Lebih kurang pukul 2 pagi, ada sorang lagi doktor (doktor lelaki cina, Dr Tan kot) memanggil kami dan menjelaskan tentang apa yang sedang dialami oleh Pak Teh.

Segala penjelasan mengenai prosedur pembedahan, risiko yang bakal dihadapi dan kemungkinan-kemungkina yang tak pasti dijelaskan dengan terperinci. 2 orang doktor ni menjelaskan segala-galanya dengan baik dan difahami oleh kami semua waktu tu. Mak Teh menurunkan tandatangan kebenaran untuk pembedahan dan kebenaran untuk buat blodd transfusion sekiranya berlaku pendarahan semasa pembedahan. Akhirnya Pak Teh di bawa ke dewan bedah neurologi Institut Kaji Saraf Tunku Abdul Rahman(IKTAR) jam 3.30 pagi 1 Syawal 1429 bersamaan denan 1 Oktober 2008.

Pagi Raya...
Mak Teh dan Nana diminta untuk mengikut adik Mak Teh pulang berehat setelah seharian menunggu sejak di HTAR. Mak Teh lagi teruk dah 2 hari dah tak tidur. Tinggallah aku dan bapak aku kat bilik menunggu depan dewan bedah neuro di Tingkat -1 IKTAR HKL. Aku cuba nak tidur tapi tak dapat. Last-last aku bersembang dengan sorang akak ni dengan anaknya yang sedang menunggu kat bilik tu jugak sebab suami dia baru lepas di bedah akibat kemalangan jalan raya. 3 kali pembedahan tu. Bapak aku pun cuba tidur. Lelap sekejap tapi tak dapat lelap sepenuhnya. Mungkin terganggu dengan perbualan aku dan makcik tu (sorry bapak).

Saat yang dinanti akhirnya tiba. Pak Teh diusung keluar dari dewan bedah jam 8.15 pagi tanggal 1 Syawal 1429H. Kami beruda sempat berbual dengan pakar bedah neuro yang bertanggungjawab membedah kepala Pak Teh. "The operation went well, no excessive bleeding, no need for transfusion. Apa yang perlu dibuat telah kami buat." Thank You Dr. (Don't know his name). Ketika nurse pakaikan Pak Teh dengan baju hospital, salah sorang dari nurse tu bagitau yang mereka kehabisan adult pampers size XL dan mintak pihak keluarga sediakan. Aku bagitau yang ada baki lagi pampers yang dibawa dari HTAR dan berada dalam kereta. Aku turun dari tingkat 1 dan menuju ke tempat letak kereta yang terletak betul-betul bertentangan dengan pintu masuk masjid HKL yang berada di belakang IKTAR. Sambil berjalan menaiki tangga tiba-tiba aku terdengar suara dari pembesar suara masjid sedang bertakbir dan bertahmid. Aku teringat yang pagi tu adalah pagi raya. Air mata meleleh di pipi aku masa tu. Aku pandang ke depan mengadap masjid berlatar belakangkan KLCC sambil menyeka air mata. Aku menangis bukan sebab sedih, tapi sebab gembira dan terharu atas pengertian raya yang sangat berlainan dan unik kali ni.

Aidil Fitri 1429
Aku tersentuh dengan segala yang aku lihat dan alami sepanjang berada di HTAR dan HKL. Masa kat HTAR malam tu sebelum Pak Teh dibawa ke HKL bapak aku cakap "Cuba tengok berapa ramai yang beraya kat hospital atas sebab-sebab yang berlainan. Yang bekerja(nurse, maintainence kebersihan), yang sakit(pesakit-pesakit), yang menjaga ahli keluarga yang sakit, yang melawat..semuanya ada sebab masing-masing. Kenapa tak dak mana-mana NGO Islam yang datang menjenguk depa-depa ni pada malam raya? Selain dari pergi dari rumah-ke rumah untuk bertakbir dan bertahmid di malam raya, rasanya banyak lagi yang boleh dibuat untuk menunjukkan semangat raya." Aku mengiyakan kata-kata bapak aku. Aku sendiri pun tak pernah terfikir pasal benda camtu. Aku teringat yang aku pernah persoalkan (masa aku kat sana tahun 2003-2004) kenapa PMI UTM(Persatuan Mahasiswa Islam Univ. Teknologi Malaysia) tak pernah buat program selain dari program-program kerohanian sedangkan Persatuan Mahasiswa Buddha UTM dok buat program-program charity. Ibadah bukan setakat pengisian kerohanian. Rasanya dan NGO Islam kita perlukan reformasi dalam menunjukkan bahawa kita ambil peduli tentang golongan-golongan ini ketika yang lain sibuk bergembira. Insaf sebentar mengingatkan yang kami(aku, bapak dan ahli keluarga yang lain) tak pernah terfikir tentang benda-benda macam ni. Syawal 1429H ini menunjukkan kepada aku dan bapak aku erti Aidil Fitri bagi golongan-golongan yang aku sebutkan tadi. Semoga ada pihak yang memahami segala apa yang aku tulis di sini dan mula merancang untuk membuat kelainan dalam sambutan Aidil Fitri di masa akan datang.

Pagi raya tu aku teringat tentang mak dan adik-adik. Aku dapat rasakan kesedihan mereka beraya tanpa aku dan bapak. Namun aku sangat-sangat percaya bahawa mereka semua memahami apa yang berlaku di Klang dan KL adalah ketentuan Ilahi untuk kami mensyukuri nikmat telah dicurahkan selama kami hidup. Sekurang-kurangnya aku dan bapak masih sihat walaupun kami tiada di samping mereka. Tak macam keluarga Pak Teh yang diduga dengan cubaan yang besar ketika keseluruhan umat Islam bersedia untuk menyambut lebaran bersama keluarga tersayang. Raya kali memang benar-benar meninggalkan kesan kepada aku dan Bapak.

Aku cakap kat bapak aku "Bapak, kalau kita tak datang sini pun kita tak mungkin dapat beraya macam ni. Takut kita menyesal pulak kalau kita tak datang tolong depa." Raya 1429H menunjukkan pada aku pengorbanan seorang abang(bapak aku), pengorbanan seorang isteri (Mak Teh dan mak aku), pengorbanan anak-anak (Nana, Zakuan, Tete, Bah, Amin, Hanis dan Baby dan adik-adik aku) ketika dugaan melanda keluarga kami. Kesediaan mak dan adik-adik melepaskan aku dan bapak aku untuk pergi membantu dikala semua saudara-mara berdekatan Shah Alam telah pulang ke Pulau Pinang amat aku sanjung tinggi.

Aku dan bapak bertolak pulang ke Nibong Tebal jam 8 malam dan tiba lebih kurang jam 1.30 pagi 2 Oktober 2008 @ 2 Syawal 1429H. Sampai saja terus aku peluk mak aku sambil aku tahan air mata supaya tak menangis. Baru aku teringat yang aku tak beraya dengan bapak aku lagi.

Aku, bapak, Mak Teh dan keluarganya serta rakan-rakan Pak Teh agak kesal dengan apa yang berlaku di HTAR sepanjang Pak Teh dirawat di sana. Kami terimanya sebagai takdir Allah S.W.T. Aku tak nak tulis apa-apa lagi tapi cukuplah sekiranya aku nyatakan yang ia bukan setakat jawapan Dr muda yang merawat Pak Teh, ia juga berkaitan dengan layanan yang diberikan oleh para jururawat di sana. Pun begitu, aku memahami segala kelakuan itu mungkin berpunca akibat kekurangan tenaga kerja, bebanan tugas yang dipikul dan perasaan bertugas semasa hari lebaran. Aku anggap ia bukan masalah di HTAR sahaja tetapi di seluruh negara. Malaysia memerlukan sistem kesihatan awam yang lebih baik sesuai dengan tarafnya sebagai negara yang bakal mengorak langkah menjadi negara maju menjelang 2020.

Ucapan Terima Kasih dan Selamat Hari Raya
Aku nak ucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada semua kakitangan(nurse, doktor, maintainence), dan pesakit-pesakit di wad 8A HTAR yang banyak membantu Mak Teh sekeluarga. Terutamanya kepada doktor yang mengikut kami di dalam ambulan yang tidak aku ketahui namanya, nurse peramah yang jugak aku tak tahu namanya yang turut berada di dalam ambulan ketika dalam perjalanan ke HKL, driver ambulan dan attenden yang membantu Pak Teh, pakar anesthetic HTAR (doktor lelaki cina-bulat2 skit badan dia) dan doktor yang concern tetiba tuh.

Di HKL, ucapan terima kasih aku kepada Dr. Kanesh, Dr. Tan, Dr. Saffari, Dr. Kan dan semua doktor dan nurse dalam wad bedah neuro di IKTAR yang telah menyelamatkan nyawa Pak Teh. Terima Kasih. Terima kasih jugak kepada nurse di wad 4A, nurse di wad Acute Cubicle 4A dan kepada nurse di Neuro ICU IKTAR. Terima Kasih.

Terima kasih juga kepada rakan-rakan sekerja Pak Teh dari UiTM yang tak putus-putus datang membantu Mak Teh dan keluarganya semasa menempuh saat-saat yang sukar tanpa sokongan ahli keluarga terdekat. Prof Zaini, Uncle Kamal, Uncle Husni serta ramai lagi yang tak dapat aku tulis nama diorang sebab tak sempat berkenalan. Terima kasih.

Rakan-rakan Pakteh ketika di WMU (West Michigan University) dan ketika di Manchester turut datang melawatnya. Terima kasih jugak dari aku utnuk kalian.

Anak-anak muridnya yang turut datang melawat..terima kasih jugak untuk kalian.

Special thanks to
FADZILAH AZAM AHMAD (ASSOC. PROF.) or Aunty D dan hubby, Uncle Salim or SALIM PARLAN and their children. Terima Kasih kerana menjaga dan menggembirakan hati sepupu-sepupu aku diwaktu dugaan ini melanda. Terima Kasih banyak2 aunty D atas bantuan yang tak terkira banyaknya.

Terima kasih dan Selamat Hari Raya kepada semua yang aku sebutkan dan yang tak tersebut dan membantu secara langsung atau tak langsung.

Pak Teh
Abdul Halim Bin Mohamed Ibrahim (Assoc. Prof), Deputy Dean (Research & Quality) Faculty of Business Administration, Universiti Teknologi MARA. Adik kepada bapak aku. Dia no. 6, Bapak yang ke-5 dari 9 adik beradik.

Setelah 10 hari Pak Teh dibedah, keadaannya semakin baik. Dia dah mula bernafas sendiri dan dah ada reaksi. Namun dia masih di wad neuro ICU.

Al-Fatihah to Arwah Pak Ngah

Again, this originates from my father's blog "Sumbangsih".

The first time I was informed that he was admitted at the hospital in Seberang Jaya, I feel so tensed sensing that something must be terribly wrong. It was 3.30 in the morning and Akmal knock on my door to informed me that his mum called and said Pak Ngah has been warded. After phoning my wife, I learned that his daughter contact her and through sobbing voice conveying the inconvenience news.

Sleep than takes the last priority at that time. I was lucky when Akmal wanted to follow me to the hospital.

There he was on the hospital ICU bed, with a big tube which goes into his throat plus other wires and tubes on his body. The sight of him heavily breathing through the help of a breathing machine with the beeping sound from several monitors around his bed doesn’t seem good to me.

The best that I could do then was just to stare at him, hold his hand, or some rubbing of his feet. The prayer said then was more of hopeful thought that the Almighty give him some more time so that he could marry his daughter who was already engaged in a few months time.

The prayers seems to be answered when on the fourth day, I was happy to see him sitting up and taking in some food, while 3 days ago, there was just some movement of hands and feet only, and they feed him through a tube down his throat.

A week after that he was discharged from the hospital and seems to be in good health. But that lasted only for four days. They don’t wait so long to get him to the hospital and this time they found the problem, and it was his kidney which has not been fuctioning well. The doctors performed dialysis on him, and have both side of his chest poked through to extract excess water in the lung, which was causing him breathing difficulties. When all these were done, he looks better and more energetic.

This time he lasted more than a week at home. It was enough a time to receive a delegation from his would be son in law, which came to discuss the wedding and the solemnization date. He look cheerful that day, and everyone inclucing me did not give a single hitch that he won’t be around to perform his part as a wali when the day comes.

Though precautions were taken including taking the pills and treatment of dialysis three times a week, he seem to be puffing out of breath again. His body is getting weak and at the same time he doesn’t seem to have the energy to walk a mere two to three meters. I became worried to know that the doctor told him his heart his okay, his lungs are clear, and they don’t know what is really wrong with him.

Since then he has been going in and out of the hospital several times. Some of the hospital admission was informed to others, while some was not. His family thought that it would be a disturbance to inform other family members since it seems quite casual of him to be warded these days.

19th August 2008

Although he was weak he did came over to see the preparations for Hilmi’s akad-nikah the night before the marriage solemnization. That was the last I saw of him.

28th August 2008

The last I heard of him was when my brother, Ali, phone me to inform me that he just got the message that he was again admitted to hospital after dialysis treatment at Perda. The staff of the dialysis centre sent him by ambulance to Bukit Mertajam Hospital. It was already nightime and quite late for a visit. Thinking that he might survive as usual, I let off my thinking to other areas of interest in my daily life, planning to see him tomorrow.

29th August 2008

After Friday prayers the news came. Hilmi answered the call, and breathlessly inform us that Pak Ngah has just passed away. An awkward feeling engulfed me. Its neither depressed nor helplessness, a vacuum hollow empty feeling like.

It has happened again today. . . . . .

I’ve just lost two brothers in a row?

Al-Fatihah to Md Zain bin Md Ibrahim. A good brother who has sacrifice a lot to see that the family go through a better life during my younger days. May Allah blessed him and place his soul among the Solihins, the Ambiyas and the faithfuls. Amin.

My post:
by: Mohd Hafiz Safwan Bin Md Rijani

It was 2.30 p.m, 29 August 2008...I was at my house, resting..Few hours before, I was in the 'Pusat Kesihatan UiTM' sickbay with a drip needle stuck in my hand. I was suffering from severe diarrhea.

Hilmi called, with the same tone he used to tell me about Mamu Yusuf, he said " Abang, Pak Ngah dah tak dak dah,"

I was sad..but no tears came out. I already planned to go back to Penang (I bought the ticket a week before). But not because of this. At that time, I recalled the memory about the last time me and my father met him.

It was 19th August 2008. My house is filled with laughter and happiness. The next day will be Hilmi's akad nikah. All uncles, aunts, cousins (from my mother's side) were at my house, helping with the 'hantaran' and preparing for the food for tomorrow.

Pak Ngah came that night with Mak Ngah and Wan. We knew that he won't be able to attend the next day function. He told father earlier. But the eagerness to show his happiness give him strength."Esok aku tak boleh mai, aku mai hari nih jenguk2 so kalau aku tak mai esok pun takpa. Tapi kalau sempat aku mai jenguk hangpa," (He was scheduled for blood dialysis for the next day.

I took the chance to talk to him that night. He urge me to 'Kawen Cepat' since my younger brother surpassed me. " Hang tu, cepat sikit kawen, ni adik hang kawen dulu, aparaaa," I answered " Rilek arr Pak Ngah, Safwan dok blajaq lagi, awek pun tak dak lagi, Pak Ngah tolong laa cari calon kat Safwan,". He replied, "Ada, hang nak ka?" He said to my father then. "Anak Mah, cucu Tok Cik, Mah offer kat aku nak pasang anak dia ngan Wan. Wan takmau sebab dia dah ada girlfriend. Huih..anak depa lawa2 woo," I was laughing and politely said, "Pak Ngah, Safwan belajaq lagi laa, nanti dah abis belajaq ok laa," He said to my father "Ani, kalau nak hang pi try sembang ngan Mah, tak pun hang terus cakap kt Pak Cik,"I laugh and can't stop smiling that night. (Tok Cik is my grandfather's cousin, Mah is his daughter and 2-pupu to my father). He was ill but his eagerness hides 50% of his illness. He even offered himself to to help my father to invite all the relatives to my brothers wedding (23/11/2008). I prayed that night so that Pak Ngah will be around at Hilmi's wedding.
I gave him the cloth and shirts from PakTeh n Makteh and he was so happy to receive it. The cloth is for Kak Shah (his daughter which will be marrying his fiance this November). He was very happy that night.

May his soul rest in peace. Al Fatihah to arwah Hj Md Zain Bin Md Ibrahim


The next post is copied from SUMBANGSIH *
* It is my father's blog. As an IT Savvy dad, he was the one who first taught me using Word n Powerpoint. That was 13 years ago when Windows 95 was around. Visit http://reejanous.blogspot.com for the original piece.Wonder where he get the get the -ous. It's like mine..skidezourus-don't you think?

Maybe it was fated, yes it was fated alright... That fateful Saturday morning, he got up early. Eager to go home, took his shower, had a clean shave, dress-up and posed for prayer. Supposed to be discharged by 10 a.m.

As his usual self, the neighbours in neighbouring beds saw how happy he was that morning. Moving around with the dripper stand beside him, he never shows worriedness nor anxiety or even fear, less the emotion of pain that builds up in his chest.

Weeks before that, the feeling of uneasiness mushroomed his thought. He knew something is not right. The chest pain, the left hand getting weaker each day and difficulty in breathing has weakend him. He needs rest but the hectic days never gave him the opportunity of getting it.

So off to the hospital he went not only to get treatment but primarily to rest. His brother is already there in bed at the ICU. He made it clear to his children not to informed others of his being warded at the hospital to minimise obstruction of the rest he really needs.

True to his knowledge, he felt better after a week. But going home, has become no easy task. The pain, the sickness, greet him again and after three days he gave up and drive this time straight to the General Hospital (GH).

The doctors told him they will do whatever they can and describe the best possible treatment. Visitors were told by him that the operation that he is going through is normal. No problems will arise, and he is going to get the best doctor available in GH. So the visitors left with a very high expection that this man will survive easily.

Fate has its own way of making simple occasion into a history. The operating theater at the GH is under major renovation. They have that facility at the nearest hospital in Alor Star only. The movement, the personnel and those involve was noted down and carefully planned. Monday, 21st July was chosen as the Sultanah Bahayah Hospital would be ready to receive the patient and its group staff of doctors and nurses. And so off they went that morning.

The operation went on at four p.m. and ended at around 7 pm. A PTCA was performed on him but along the way they found he had five blocks and one of them is 100 percent. That is not good news according to the doctors. But crossing their fingers, they ask the family members present to pray for the best. The doctors after going through a vigorous time of checking all the readings which goes by the minute, only declared the next day that the patient is responding normally, and the operation was a success, but still the monitoring has to go on.

Others were informed of the success, and all are happy. Till the very last minute, the happiness was still there. Most are anxious to visit him at his home. The waiting was shortlived however.

Saturday : 26th July

The news came at around 9.30 am that he has passed away before 9 a.m. that day. The shocking news was hard to absorb. The chair next to where I was standing cushioned me when I suddenly knew I've lost another brother.

Though hard to swallow, life has to go on.....


Busu Wrote:

It was 9.45 a.m on 26th of July. I was preparing myself to go to Faculty of Civil Engineering as Student Facilitator for Modul PPKP(prog pembangunan dan Kepimpinan Pelajar). I was about to go when my brother (Hilmi-The Great Teacher) called in and tell me the news. I was shocked but quickly realise that I wasn't anywhere near home. I called another brother(Muim-The UiTM Law Student) to broke the news and ask him to get himself ready and to meet me at my house.

I planned the quickest route possible. The earliest bus to leave Shah Alam for Butterworth was at 2 p.m. And that was when I thought Puduraya has bus leaving for Butterworth at every hour.

Cikun sent us to Padang Jawa LRT station. Boarded komuter to KL Sentral. At KL sentral, we wondered around, bought some food from Mc D and boarded Rapid KL (previously known as Putra LRT). We took Masjid Jamek station and proceed to Puduraya on foot.

The ticket was sold at staggering RM50 per seat. Paid 2 tickets(RM100) and try not to punch or kick the ticket counter since we were on emergency purpose. The person at the counter told us that the bus is already waiting at Platform 18. The bus is scheduled to leave at 1.00pm. Huh..the Bus leave Mydin (infront of maybank Tower) at 1.50 p.m..baik naik kat Shah Alam jer..

At the end, we couldn't make it on time to attend the funeral. Sick of those bastards who earn their livings by extorting money from people in need.

Al Fatihah untuk Arwah Mamu Yusuf. Takziah buat keluarganya. Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan bersama orang-orang yang soleh.

Mohd Hafiz Safwan Md Rijani

You Can't Always Get What You Want

Let me see...How do I start this post with? Owh..the title reminds me of a dialog from House Md. "As the philosopher Jagger said, "you can't always get what you want.". "You Can't Always Get What You Want" is a song by the Rolling Stones released on their 1969 album Let It Bleed. Written by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, it was named as the 100th greatest song of all time by Rolling Stone in its 2004 list of "500 Greatest Songs of All Time."~Wiki~

How does it reflect the whole life we are living in right now? Life isn't fair?

Life is fair. Really...I mean it.
For me life is fair. I get to live and keep my head busy thinking about so many things. Thinking about the power of the Creator. Thinking about how complex the world is. Thinking about the report proposal (Which initially required to be hand in next morning-But the class had been canceled..yeehaaaa..Ma'am, you are not one of my blog readers right?)

Life is fair..I let my parents down but they don't disown me. They gave me second chance and I succeeded. They are happy(hopefully) and I'm happy too.

Life is fair because whenever I'm emotionally down, my parents or siblings or friends or even strangers will offer comfort and advices which kept me going all this years.

Life is fair ,eventhough I can't get everything that I want, but I felt lucky all the times.

Life is fair even though I was a university drop out, I learned it the harder way...and that will help me to go through this difficult journey.

Life is fair - My ex-girlfriend married and I'm sure that the man he love(his husband) would take care of her better than I am. I'm happy for her- Really.

Life is fair. My brother is going to get married on August 2008(I'm the eldest) . I'm happy for him and at the same time I'm predicting how much Duit Raya will I receive this year. I'm still eligible for Duit Raya(I'm a student). I am more childish than my brother is(he is month away before changing his status). People often assumed that i'm 3-4 years younger than my real age. My brother looks older than me..hahahahah.

Life is fair. I had a big wound behind my back after being 'back stabbed' by someone and he was punished (not by me,Divine intervention...I guess).

Life is fair. I have an enemy(the tag 'enemy' will be dropped if he apologize) but blessed with infinity friendsssssss.

Life is fair. Mc D's outlets is always near me whenever I need my chocolate sundae...huahuahua (sok nak gi makan aiskrim)

Life is fair. Rain can make me + my notes wet or destroyed but there are people who just can't stop being thankful to God for showering the earth. (Don't curse the rain, remind yourself)

Life is fair. I'm dark, not so tall and not so handsome. But my face is spared from chronic acne problems, my hair is straight, my teeth is whiter and cleaner than sesapa lah(taknak sebut kat sini). Some people might say that I'm fat but I consider myself as chubby(hehehe). I have dark skin but people always tell me that " hang tak gelap laa, hang MANIS," (I hate that before, but now i'm flattered)

Life is fair. I'm not qualified(I know that it's not the correct word) (I'm a student, she is somebody now) to start ' tackling' the heart of a girl that I admired currently. But, I'm very happy whenever i saw her.

Life is fair. Really..Try to think positive each time you were tested. Remain focus and keep your mind in rationale mode every time.

P/S: I couldn't sleep last night. So, I wrote my 2 cents of thoughts on how I valued my life right now. I believe that I'm Happy. Some elaborations may seems be unfair...but I'm satisfied with it. Fair is not just about 50-50.

Mohd Hafiz Safwan md Rijani

Live TV debate, ACA query & police arrest in the continuing ‘Chronicles of Anwar Ibrahim’ epic

I found this while searching for breaking news on online mainstream media. Just want to share it with my blog readers.


Mohd Hafiz Safwan Md Rijani

Source: NST Online
URL: http://www.nst.com.my/Current_News/NST/Wednesday/Frontpage/20080716193010/Article/index_html
(at 17/7/08 2.01 am)
DEWAN DISPATCHES: Live TV debate, ACA query & police arrest in the continuing ‘Chronicles of Anwar Ibrahim’ epic
By : Azmi Anshar

DEWAN RAKYAT July 16, 2008:

Can a man like Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim have a lot on his plate and not flinch? Can he multi-task wildly contrasting spheres of political, allegedly criminal and social actions that include instigating law enforcement officers and not collapse in a heap of stressed-out confusion? Not Anwar and not while he is having the time of his life – redux.

Let’s put aside for a moment the current Anwar agenda and review the many phases in his colourful lives as one of THE socio-political zeitgeists of our time – student leader/provocateur in 1970s, the pivot in the activism against the Societies Act in 1981, the shocking defection to mainstream Umno politics in 1982, his rapid parallel ascendancy in Umno and the Cabinet influencing the national political agenda, his falling out with then PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad and finally his fall from grace in his sensational corruption/sodomy court trials in the late 1990s that kept him out of the political mainstream but not from the national consciousness.

And now, the Anwar zeitgeist is gunning for a new, spicier phase of his political travail. Here’s his plate for this year alone – acting as consigliore to convince a motley crew of political parties to get over despising each other in time to exploit the anti-Establishment resentment to bamboozle the BN in the March 8 polls, got sucked into another sodomy charge, retaliating by incriminating three top Government chieftains of various sordid crimes, and just this week, debating the Information Minister in a historic live TV debate on petrol prices, met up ACA officers to give a statement on his accusations against the IGP and AG, and just hours ago, whisked away unceremoniously by a mob of police officers to the police station under the glare of the international Press.

At Parliament House, the perennial buzz was on Anwar’s debate last night and his afternoon Hollywood-styled altercation with the police, and, out of the blue, a call for Anwar to surrender a DNA sample to police. The scent the aromas of a national conspiracy and book/movie rights could be experienced in just a whiff.

If Anwar Ibrahim’s links with the American neocons are as real as his critics made out to be, the movie “The Chronicles of Anwar Ibrahim” should not be far off, filmed in Panavision and starring Anwar as himself, a cast of hundreds and thousand of extras to make up the street demo scenes in what should be the political thriller of the decade.
Just as Anwar was hopping from one law enforcement inquiry to another, his name was again bandied inside the House, first in the morning and then in the afternoon, a 90-minute melee considered to be one of the ugliest in the new Parliament.

The pretender to the throne whom the political punditry considered to be closest to an Anwar Ibrahim clone – Khairy Jamaludin (BN-Rembau) – beseeched the PKR supremo to surrender a DNA sample to assist police in the sodomy charge investigations.

Khairy, in endorsing a Gerakan Youth proposal for an independent team with foreign experts to investigate the sodomy charge against Anwar, urged the Opposition to encourage Anwar to give his DNA sample voluntarily. "In the interest of truth, it will clear the air once and for all if he has the moral credibility to lead the country," he said in debating the Supplementary Supply (2008) Bill 2008.

“We can’t force anyone to give their DNA sample (but) if he (Anwar) is not afraid of the truth, I hope he (Anwar) will be present (at the Kuala Lumpur Police Headquarters), and if he dares, give the DNA sample to test whether the police report was correct or wrong. This is important,” went Khairy’s entreaty.

Khairy asseverated that the nature of the complaint against Anwar required a DNA sample. “There are accusations that there was anal penetration, so you have to prove (if there was not) and give the DNA sample for this purpose,” he went as the PR MPs went ballistic.

At this point, Azmin Ali (PKR-Gombak) and Opposition whip, demanded to know how Khairy knew details of the investigation. "It seems that you know more about the details of this case when we don't even have a copy of the police report," he said in a glare that could have imploded the MP for Rembau.

Khairy’s solicitation also drew the ire of Anwar’s wife, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail (PKR-Permatang Pauh) who questioned Khairy whether he was a clairvoyant with intimate knowledge of contents of the police report against Anwar, lodged by his former personal assistant, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, which is by now the most coveted piece of document in Malaysia and may fetch a very handsome lucre should it be auctioned off on eBay.

The Opposition leader and PKR president, perhaps the most resolute of wives far east of Hillary Clinton, was pallid in her riposte, beseeching that Anwar had tried hard to acquire a copy of the police report made against him by his former aide. "Despite three letters over two weeks, we have yet to get details," she said. “Why is Rembau asking for DNA from my husband? We don’t know about the details, even of the investigations. How can you ask DNA now? How do you know what’s contained in the report? The issue is not yet in court even but you ask for DNA. Do you know the contents of the report?” she demanded. Khairy’s disingenuous rejoinder: “The report is not provided because Anwar had not made a statement and was not present at the Kuala Lumpur police headquarters as required.”

Later, parroting Anwar’s line of defence, Azmin huffed and harangued, questioning the integrity of the IGP and Attorney-General who the “same players" in Anwar's trial back in 1998 that deprived the PKR leader justice he deserved. Azmin also dissed Dr Mahathir’s role in the 1998 Anwar saga, deliberately rubbing Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir (Jerlun-BN), who, when the time for him to debate the Bill, shot this simple inquiry: "Did he sodomise or did he not? No need for four witnesses as required by Syariah law. We have modern technology and providing DNA as burden of proof is the same thing.”

When Mukhriz echoed his father’s insistence that Anwar was that “kind of person," the Opposition bloc hyperventilated and repeatedly challenged him to prove his case as the House degenerated into the semblance of a bar brawl. Mukhriz stubbornly refused to retract. "Don't even dream of asking me to retract my statement. We can't even ask for a bit of evidence (from Anwar). Earlier, you (opposition) issued a challenge and when I accept, you ask me to retract what I said. You want a challenger and here I am. The core of what the people want to know, and what I want to know as a representative of the people, is this question – did he sodomise or not?" was Mukhriz’s sermonic response.

At this time, there was still confusion on whether Anwar was actually picked up or arrested by police but Deputy Home Minister Datuk Wan Farid Wan Salleh characterised Anwar’s sudden incarceration as an “arrest”, one which the government defended on the basis that Anwar would had “failed to meet the 2pm deadline set by police”.

In his rendezvous with reporters at the Parliament lobby, Wan Farid elucidated why Anwar would have failed to meet the 2pm deadline: “Upon the completion of his interview with the ACA, Anwar was supposed to head to the city's police headquarters to have his statement taken regarding a sodomy report lodged by a former aide. However, he was heading home, so he couldn't possibly have made it on time (for the interview with the police). The police were just executing a warrant of arrest against Anwar.”

Wan Farid was adamantly in full retort mode when reporters asked why police could not wait until 2pm before executing the arrest: “What's the difference between 20 and 50 minutes? From the information I received, he voluntarily went to the police car and gave his full cooperation."

Also outside the House, Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek, the Information Minister who went toe-to-toe with Anwar in last night’s historic live TV debate, was still in his debating condition, answering critics who slammed his personal digs against the man of the moment instead of sticking to the crux of oil prices.

“I did not take potshots or make personal remarks on Anwar,” he insisted. “I only criticise his policy stance during the 1997 financial crisis when he was the Deputy Prime Minister. I talked about his policies and leadership record when questioning his credibility to strengthen my arguments. Personal attacks will be more about criticising his face, his clothes or his preferences.”

Nonetheless, the partisans forming the bulk of the crowd last night would have backed their respective leader as the one coming out smelling like a Calvin Klein eau de toilette. The lobby’s random reaction from BN and PR MPs to the Anwar-Ahmad Shabery debate was a blend of praise and putridness.

Was that frothing in his mouth when Ahmad Shabery declared that he was satisfied with his performance? “I erased the myth of Anwar as a great orator,” he intoned. Really? “It is not a question of who won or lost but that there was a platform to put our views forward.”

Although there was no clear winner in last night’s live TV debate, Anwar had the edge over Ahmad Shabery only because of the steely disposition he represented during the face-off. Ahmad Shabery’s focus over the week was to prepare for the performance of his life, prep his oratorical approach and not degenerate like a clown against Anwar’s mien, sophistication and coolness.

Ahmad Shabery was edged not on topic substance or points but to Anwar’s immense grace under pressure – while debating on full fluency, the back of this zeitgeist’s mind was undoubtedly pounded with the heavy thought of distressing police interrogation and inevitable incarceration – again. Would Ahmad Shabery be able to perform as well if he had that sword of Damocles hanging over his head?

News of Anwar’s arrest later hit Parliament House like a thunderbolt of lightning: Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail looked shell shocked, murmuring to the Press that she got a call from her husband that he was picked up by police and that “they had not been gentle". After she regained her composure in the MPs’ lounge, she was taken back to her Segambut home by aides while livid PKR MPs immediately left for the KL police contingent HQ, joined by their DAP and Pas comrades.

The national political temperature just spiked several degrees, crowds of PKR leaders, members and supporters have formed at Jalan Hang Tuah near the police HQ, forcing the cops to close access. The heat of this new intrigue is barely bearable. But the question remains: is there a place where anyone can sign up to emulate Anwar’s spiritedly racy career?

Breeding The Batch of Disaster

I believe that you(the one who is reading my blog right now) feel disgusted about things that is happening around us. I'm not talking about Global Warming or Fuel Hike. It is about the political scene..not in US or other country. Specifically, Malaysia...

Disgusted on how they are attacking each other. In Parliament or by mass media. You can even express your anger by showing 'rude' hand gestures in parliament and you don't have to apologize. Heck!!!What the hell are you guys doing. I repeat: "What are you guys doing?"

Don't get me wrong. I'm not telling my blog readers that I'm PR or BN loyalist (I'm UiTM Student, bounded to 174 act which prohibited me from being a member of any political party). I'm neutral.

1998-1999... It helps me to become ignorant to politics. Not just me...with some friends too. As the results, most of them were not a registered voters (even though they are eligible). When asked, their answer is that they believe posting ballots are NOT IMPORTANT as there are other things to be worried about. Totally ignore politics as the results from what happened during that time(1998-1999). I was like them too. I believed that politics is full of dirty tricks and THINGS. I tried to avoid reading political news(2000-2003). I even told my friends(back in UTM) that I was so disgusted and frustrated with the Malaysian Political Scene.

One day..on a bus journey which i forgotten the details. I sat next to an old man and we chat a lot about engineering stuff. Until he asked me on my political views. I said "Saya benci politik,". He just smile and ask me why. I told him that i believe that all the dirty things came from politics. I told him that I was sick n tired of our local political scene. Bla..Bla..Bla..then...He said, "Betul, memang politik tu kotor, tapi betul tak kalau pak cik cakap POLITIK TU SURVIVAL," .

This knowledgeable old man twisted my brain and i started to think about what he said. Politics is a tool to survive. Not only as an individual survival kit but as a survival kit of my RELIGION and RACE.

I was lucky to meet him. I was lucky because I stop being ignorant to this powerful survival tool. But not all of us (teenagers during political disaster) stopped from being ignorant. Most of us still ignoring politics till now.

This time, another batch of teenagers will become ignorant to politics. The product of disasters. Sadly, most of them are Malays and surely MUSLIMS. How will we survive in the future? We are breeding batch of 'not politically aware generations'.

Do something before it is too late. Tell your friends that no matter how dirty the politics are, it's their job to make it right. Don't ignore politics. BE PART OF IT BY BEING A REGISTERED VOTER. Don't complain about the government if you are not a registered voter.


Menjaga Hati


Yovie & The Nuno - Menjaga Hati

masih tertinggal bayanganmu
yang telah membekas di relung hatiku
hujan tanpa henti seolah pertanda
cinta tak di sini lagi
kau tlah berpaling

biarkan aku menjaga perasaan ini, ohh
menjaga segenap cinta yang telah kau beri
engkau pergi, aku takkan pergi
kau menjauh, aku takkan jauh
sebenarnya diriku masih mengharapkanmu

masih adakah cahaya rindumu
yang dulu selalu cerminkan hatimu
aku takkan bisa menghapus dirimu
meski ku lihat kini
kau di seberang sana

repeat reff

andai akhirnya
kau tak juga kembali
aku tetap sendiri
menjaga hati

repeat reff [3x]

sejujurnya diriku masih mengharapkanmu

Read This - DAVID LAVOIE: Men and the toys they simply must have

From Sunday NST (8/6/08)

DAVID LAVOIE: Men and the toys they simply must have
I SOMETIMES chuckle when I remember a bumper sticker I saw in North America years ago. It read: "Whoever dies with the most toys, wins." It was an ironic comment on the perennial male fascination with things mechanical; a fact that has been known to cause women to roll their eyes in resignation and mutter: "Boys will be boys."

Now, I'm just a boy. No, scratch that... I'm a really old kid who still loves toys.

I can't resist neat stuff, even at my advanced age. It's that guy thing.

I was in a shopping plaza last week and passed a stand where a young man was demonstrating toy helicopters.
I mean they hover, they swoop, they dart, they fly, they sneak up on pretty girls and scare the daylights out of them. What guy could resist them?

My wife, of course, was not impressed. She goes to shopping malls to try on shoes. My three daughters all do the same thing. It's like women have this extra gene; the shoe gene.

Well, guys have an extra gene too, one that draws them towards things they can fool around with.

Carefully explaining to my wife that it was for my grandson, I bought a helicopter, all the time hoping that she would not notice that the box clearly indicated that the little flying beauty was not suitable for any child under 14. My grandson is 2.

I, on the other hand, am over 14. I got away with it because she was so charmed by the vision of me and my grandson spending quality time together, bonding.

The thing about these helicopters, I've learned, is that they are not easy to fly. You need a large open area to practise.

So I waited until my wife was out before sneaking the helicopter down to the tennis courts beside our condominium. As soon as I had my new toy buzzing about merrily, I realised that I had an audience.

Two of the maintenance staff, men of course, were watching in open-mouthed delight; a security guard showed up and joined them.

On a nearby tiled roof, three men were doing some repairs. They stopped to applaud with glee. Delight in toys is a universal guy thing.

It was a sneaky trick, pretending that I was buying it for my grandson when I really wanted to play with it myself, but it is not like there isn't a precedent in my own life.

When I was 5, my father announced at the dinner table one night that he was building a model train set for me. It was to be large and built completely to scale.

Two Lionel Trains powered by electricity, but otherwise accurate in every detail, would whiz about, crossing bridges, barrelling through tunnels, chugging past lakes made of mirrors and pulling into a tiny station in a miniature village where little model people would be waiting to board them.

On the big day of the unveiling, I found out the ugly truth. It wasn't really my train set at all. It was my dad's.

I was invited to sit quietly on a chair and watch him play with it. There it was, the neatest toy I had ever seen, and I couldn't touch it. I vowed that day that when I was all grown up, I'd have my own toys.

Guys buy toys that aren't sold as toys, but they really are. I remember talking to a colleague of mine back in Canada.

She was in despair because her husband had purchased a kind of multi-purpose all-terrain vehicle for their country home.

It was powerful enough to manoeuvre along difficult, hilly forest paths but also had various attachments to dig holes, push dirt around and drag heavy stuff along behind it.

Her pastoral peace was being disturbed by this contraption, she sighed. But what was worse, she absolutely could not understand her husband's fascination with this new toy of his.

"Fran," I said. "It goes fast, runs on gasoline, makes a lot of noise and digs holes in the dirt. Any guy would love it! What's not to understand?"

When the boys are richer, their toys are more sophisticated. Instead of little helicopters, they buy red Porsche convertibles, ultra-fast laptops, sound systems capable of cranking out enough decibels to fill a dance hall, and yet another set of ultra expensive golf clubs. But toys they will have. Boys will be boys.

Back to the helicopter. I did something stupid. I decided to try it out inside just to see if I could make it hover motionlessly.

Blades whirring, it climbed, hung in the air for a second, veered off in a rapid swoop, crashed into a wall, bounced back, wobbled, and then dove straight into my wife's favourite house plant.

Shredded leaves, flower petals and bits of branch exploded upward until the exhausted little machine groaned and died.

I swept up the shredded plant before my wife got back home and took the helicopter back to the vendor for repairs.

He chuckled. "Had a crash, did you?" he asked. In about an hour he had the helicopter working again and I was heading gratefully out of the store when I saw it.

Its fuselage was a gleaming cobalt blue, the undercarriage was reinforced to protect it from hard landings, the battery pack was twice as big as mine so that it could fly longer. The vendor grinned slyly. "It's the latest model," he said.

So now this is my problem. How am I going to explain to my wife why I now have two toy helicopters? And worse, what am I going to say when she sees the house plant?

David Lavoie is a retired Canadian teacher who has made his home in Malaysia for the past four years

Mechanical thing fascinates men..hahaha..big boys toys...the toys are also getting bigger i.e real cars compared to models before..

I'm eyeing on one RC helicopter...huhuhu..tapi duit takdak lagi

TAYAR BAS MELETUP - KeNduri Bibik Aida @ Rumah Alumni UTM SKudai (25/05/08)

Ingatkan nak menulis pasal cerita nih sebaik sahaja pulang dari JB. Namun, disebabkan kekurangan masa dan kekangan lain terpaksa ditangguhkan sehingga ke hari ini.

Asalnya satu family nak pi ke Johor. Yang nak kawen nih sepupu mak aku (tapi umur dia sebaya ngan aku)..aku panggil dia BIBIK (bermaksud makcik dalam bahasa Jawa..bukan orang gaji tau). Embah Diso (Ngadiso bin Darus, ayah pengantin perempuan) yang menjaga aku waktu aku belajar di UTM dulu.

2-3 hari lagi sebelum kenduri, parents aku membuat keputusan untuk tidak hadir(rumah tgh. renovate) dan aku dihantar untuk menjadi wakil. Wakil bukan sahaja untuk kelaurga aku tetapi jugak untuk keluarga saudara2 dari Penang. Mulanya tiada tiket bas pada malam Khamis(23/5/08) untuk ke JB. orang kat kaunter tu siap cakap 26 hb baru ada tiket balik.. Tiba2 malam khamis tu, masa antar adik aku Hilmi (dia ke Banting ada kenduri rakan dia), ada pula tiket tapi malam Jumaat (24/5/08). Aku terus amik lepas berbincang dengan parents aku.

Malam yang dijanjikan, kalau ikut tiket bas jalan pukul 10.30, tapi bas tu sampai Nibong Tebal pun dah pukul 11.20. PERSADA EKSPRESS (nama yang tertera di tepi bas) merupakan bas yang bakal membawa aku ke destinasi(JB) tapi tiba-tiba terdetik "Boleh sampai ke?"...Aku terus pujuk hati aku yang enggan percaya bahawa bas dihadapan mata aku ini mampu sampai dengan selamat tanpa sebarang insiden. Keadaan bas agak uzur. Layaknya hanya untuk ganti bas Bumiwira(Butterworth-Parit Buntar) saja gayanya.

Bas itu kemudian ke Parit Buntar untuk mengambil penumpang dan meneruskan perjalanan pada jam 12 tgh malam. Aku terlena sehingga jam 3.30 pagi ketika bas mula memasuki Kuala Lumpur. Ketika berhenti sebentar di Serdang(untuk tukar pemandu), aku turun untuk ke tandas. Apabila bas tu nak teruskan perjalanan, brek tayar belakang belah kanan lekat. Bas tu mulanya tak leh jalan tapi lepas cuba berkali2 baru boleh. tapi brek tu masih lekat. Aku cakap kat pemandu "Apek, kalau you jalan jugak, tayar boleh meletup oooo!", dia jawab "Takpa, takpa...slow saja boleh,"

Hati aku mula risau. Tepat jangkaan aku, sebelum sampai hentian sebelah Nilai, bau hangit memenuhi ruang penumpang. Apabila bas berhenti barulah tau apa masalahnya. Brek yang lekat tadi sudah berasap. Bila asap dah takder, bas tu masuk ke hentian Nilai dan mula memindahkan penumpang ke bas2 lain yang dalam perjalanan ke Johor Bahru. 2 penumpang di pindahkan semasa di hentian Nilai.

Driver bas tu taknak tunggu lama2, dia kata nak terus sampai ke Yong Peng sebab ada banyak bas2 lain yang ke JB berhenti di situ. Sekali lagi aku cakap kat apek tu "Apek, boleh sampai Yong Peng ka?" dia jawab "Boleh, takpa...slow2,"

Banyak la dia punya slow, awal2 memang slow laa..bila dah naik syeh dia tekan jugak sampai 60-70 km.

Masa tu aku dah tak boleh tidoq dah. Risau takut tayar meletup atau yang paling buruk tayar terbakar. Aku amik peluang ni untuk bersembang ngan sorang penumpang kat depan aku. Orang Baling yang terpaksa pulang ke JB serta-merta kerana dipanggil bertugas meskipun tgh bercuti kerana isteri bersalin. Inspektor Haris dari Depoh Polis Johor Bahru.

Seperti yang aku jangkakan, tayar bas meletup sebelum plaza tol Seremban. Tapi bas terus bergerak sehingga tinggal lebih kurang 200m dari Plaza Tol Seremban tuh. Jam ketika itu menunjukkan waktu 4.40 pagi.

Driver bas berusaha tahan bas2 yang lalu kat situ, tapi takdak satu pun yang nak ke JB atau sanggup berhenti. Lebih kurang jam 7.20 pg barulah driver tu amik keputusan untuk jalan slow2 ke Terminal One Seremban dan uruskan pengangkutan lain untuk ke JB.

Sampai di Terminal One, kami penumpang bas nih ramai2 makan kat ada warung tuh..siap berebut2 nak belanja makan. Tak kira cina, india atau melayu semua boleh makan, melawak, bersembang walaupun tak pernah kenal sebelum nih. Memang best lah.

Aku sampai Skudai jam 1.30 tengah hari dan terus ke Rumah Alumni.
Sampai di Rumah Alumni, aku kena kutuk ngan geng2 KL (Family Embah Rasiman) sebab tak mandi lagi...Ciss..(hehehe)

Aku bawak kamera tapi takdak bateri, kat Terminal One baru aku beli sepasang untuk capture gambaq2 mangsa Tayar Bas Meletup.

Thanks a lot to Insp. Haris for the cigarattes and hacks. Nice to meet u SIR!
Anas Hassan(my cousin) for allowing me to use his room at 10th College, UTM for quick change.
A Malaysian Chinese man who paid for my Teh Tarik at Terminal One.
The Bus Drivers - Bought us Plusliner Ticket (Seremban-JB)
Embah Diso - nanti Safwan datang lagi.

Payah la nak lupa...2 tahun aku belajar kat UTM..2 tahun naik bas dari Butterworth ke JB tanpa sebarang masalah...tapi tiba2 perjalanan biasa 7 jam namun perjalanan baru2 nih mencipta rekod baru iaitu 13 Jam. huahahaha

SOme photos:

Bersama-sama penumpang lain yang terkandas@ Terminal One Seremban

Bersama Insp. Haris

Kanak2 ini dihadapan ku

Comel lah budak nih.

Ngan Insp. Haris di Terminal One

Sebelum naik Bas

Di dalam Bas

Uncle nih ngan family nak ke Jordan ikut airport Changgi.

This Malaysian Chinese guy was seated next to me.

Geng KL (Embah Rasiman sekeluarga)

Ain ngan ayahandanya, Paman Hussein

Bik Aida dan Suaminya, Ahmad Zuhair

Berjaya memalukan diri sendiri dengan berkaraoke lagu Suratan @ Kebetulan (Kenny, Remy & Martin)

Cantik pelamin nih kan???

Sebelum balik..bergambar dengan pengantin

Aku pulang ke Nibong Tebal pada malam itu juga..tiket bas kui 10.15 kat Sri Putri. Sampai Nibong Tebal kui 6 Pagi. Pengalaman pahit manis sepanjang perjalanan...

Mencatat rekod baru bagi perjalanan Bas Ekspress melebihi 12 Jam (rekod Baru 13 Jam 20 Minit)

Rekod berada di tempat tak sampai 12 jam lepas tu balik (bagi perjalanan memelbihi 7 jam)
(rekod baru 8 jam)
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